Friday, October 9, 2009

let's try this again

I've had just about the most overwhelming week & I can't express how relieved I am that it's over. I started my job at the elementary school about 3-4 weeks ago & even though I love all my kiddos to pieces, some days are harder than others... especially when there's a sore throat/cough involved. Yesterday, as well as the day before, were two of the three roughest days I've had so far. Too many kids, not enough space or help, & ah, just a whole set of problems I had very little patience to deal with at the time cos I simply didn't feel well. But today went by smooth & it was very relaxing; discussed basketball & zombies with a few of the 5th & 6th graders. Along with the temporary chaos at work, there is the massive amount of coursework I've gotta sort my way through for school. That's a whole other dilemma on its own, but I have faith that once I'm well, I can ease on by with no problem. So, my goal for tonight is to take it easy & rest. I'm already in my pajamas, in bed, looking for a movie via Netflix to watch. I also need to start updating this often instead of holding everything in; that has gotten me nowhere.